Your Online Self-Assessment Result



Congratulations for being among the first 500 people to complete our Online Tool!

Wonderful news! There are many knee arthritis solutions you have not tried.


Always consult a medical doctor to oversee the management of knee arthritis.

However, medical doctors tend to emphasize medications and surgery as the key treatments.

This may not be ideal if you are concerned about the side effects of prolonged medication use and worried about the risks of surgery.

If you have any worries about the cost of medical treatment, the good news is that Medisave and Insurance can often be used for the diagnosis and treatment of knee arthritis.


Intro Email

Every person who has knee arthritis needs to know that this is a long-term chronic disease.

A long-term program of nutrition correction and activity modification is required to prevent the condition from getting worse with time. We have put together a set of nutrition and exercise recommendations that are both practical and cost-effective.

To thank you for completing our Online Tool, we will be emailing you the recommendations in a series of weekly emails.

Please check your email for the first recommendation within the next 24 hours.


If no scans done

The diagnosis of your knee condition does not appear to be confirmed with any scans.

A knee X-ray is the minimum test someone with knee pain should do to diagnose the condition.

Please consider doing at least an X-ray or preferably a knee MRI to confirm your diagnosis.

If cost is a concern, do note that medisave and medical insurance can often be used.




If X-ray done

It is good that your diagnosis is confirmed with an X-ray.

Common findings on a knee X-ray include:

  • osteophytes
  • medial joint space narrowing
  • subchondral sclerosis
  • bone cysts

It is a good idea to check with your doctor whether these were present in your X-ray.

You can also check your X-ray report to see if these were found.

An MRI will give an even more precise diagnosis.

It can reveal details of your knee joint such as any sprains or tears to the ligaments and meniscus.

This could affect your choice of treatment.

It can also guide your expectation of the results to be reasonably expected from each treatment option.


If MRI done

It is good that your diagnosis is confirmed with an MRI.

Common findings on a knee MRI include:

  • osteophytes
  • ligament sprains and tears
  • meniscus tear
  • knee effusion
  • synovial thickening / synovitis
  • subchondral bone marrow edema
  • bone cysts
  • cartilaginous defects (partial or full-thickness)
  • bursitis
  • iliotibial band syndrome


It is a good idea to check with your doctor whether these were present in your MRI.

You can also check your MRI report to see if these were found.

They could affect your choice of treatment.

They can also guide your expectation of the results to be reasonably expected from each treatment option.



If Prefer Non-Invasive Clinic Treatment

You indicated that you prefer a non-invasive clinic solution.

A powerful non-invasive medical treatment for knee arthritis treatment is TECAR Therapy.

TECAR therapy is a powerful non-invasive treatment with fast results for knee arthritis.

Very established in European countries but less well known locally, it has become popular in Singapore in recent years.

What is Radiofrequency Therapy?

Radiofrequency Therapy is a proven system that has been used by leading professional sports teams, hospitals and clinics across Europe for accelerated healing and very quick pain relief.

The technology is supported by multiple medical studies, and used by football club Barcelona, the French Tennis Federation, as well as multiple national teams in the 2012 London Olympics.

The system is externally applied, non-invasive, and uses patented long wave radio frequencies to create intense tissue stimulation.

Accelerate Your Body’s Natural Healing Process

TECAR treatment is focused on activating cell metabolism and restoring its natural balance without any discomfort.

TECAR therapy uses high frequency current to enhance blood circulation in the treated area.

This way, there is a greater flow of blood and increase in temperature from the inside— stimulating the body to self-heal on its own, reducing recovery time.

Deep & Targeted Pain Relief

Finding it hard to relieve specific pain areas?

No worries, TECAR therapy allows precise targeting of different tissue layers (muscles, bones and joints, etc.), working on deep-set and painful conditions which were previously unresponsive. You’ll feel a relaxing and pleasant warmth at the treated area.

Obvious Improvement in 1 Session

Because of the accelerated natural healing process, all it takes is 1 session for you to feel an obvious improvement and your pain reduced at the treated area.

On top of that, the treatment includes a muscle strengthening program to further improve mobility.



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If Prefer Faster-Acting Injections

You indicated that you prefer an injection for faster results.

There are currently many different effective knee injections for knee arthritis available in Singapore.

Knee visco-supplementation is one such option.

Visco-supplementation injections for knee arthritis, commonly known a “knee gel injections”, have become a very popular way to treat knee pain.

There are many brands and types of viscosupplement injection available in Singapore and the procedure is done by many different doctors.

Some doctors perform the injections directly in a clinic. Others do the knee injection under ultrasound guidance for more accurate injection.

Knee injections can also be done as a day surgery procedure in a hospital or day surgical center if the safety of a more sterile environment is preferred.

Learn more from this very informational video from an American doctor:

While many patients pay cash for their injections, some doctors also allow patients to use their medical insurance, integrated shield plans as well as hospital and surgical insurance plans to cover the cost of injections.

Depending on the type of insurance you have, “$0 Cashless Payments” are possible.

If you have an Integrated Shield Plan and a “full rider” that covers you for private hospitals, you may also be eligible for “Cashless Service” .

Some examples of Integrated Shield Plans and Riders include:

  • AIA, Healthshield Gold Max A + Max Essential A
  • Aviva, Myshield Plan 1 + MyHealth Plus Plan 1 (option C)
  • AXA, AXA Shield Plan A + Basic Care
  • GE, Supreme Health P Plus + Total Health Platinum
  • NTUC, Enhanced Incomeshield Preferred + Plus Rider
  • Prudential, PRUshield Premier + PRUextra Premier

It is important to explore the risk, benefits of your available treatment options for Knee Arthritis before making a decision.

To find a doctor to discuss knee visco-supplementation and other even more effective injections,

Call: +65 85226048


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If Prefer Knee Surgery

You indicated that you are willing to consider knee surgery.

The good news is that there are many recent advances in knee surgery that is much safer and can give good results.

Knee arthroscopy, partial knee replacement, customized knee implants and robotic knee surgery are just some of the new developments.

There is even a new minimally invasive knee injection procedure that can give very good results.

Many patients delay surgery due to a worry about the cost of knee surgery.

However most people have some medical insurance, integrated shield plans as well as hospital and surgical insurance plans that can cover their treatments, even if they see a private specialist.

Depending on the type of insurance you have, “$0 Cashless Payments” are possible.

If you have an Integrated Shield Plan and a “full rider” that covers you for private hospitals, you may also be eligible for “Cashless Service” .

Some examples of Integrated Shield Plans and Riders include:

  • AIA, Healthshield Gold Max A + Max Essential A
  • Aviva, Myshield Plan 1 + MyHealth Plus Plan 1 (option C)
  • AXA, AXA Shield Plan A + Basic Care
  • GE, Supreme Health P Plus + Total Health Platinum
  • NTUC, Enhanced Incomeshield Preferred + Plus Rider
  • Prudential, PRUshield Premier + PRUextra Premier

It is important to explore the risk, benefits of your available treatment options for Knee Arthritis before making a decision.

To find a doctor to discuss knee arthritis treatment options,

Call: +65 85226048


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If Prefer Home-Based Therapy


In the current covid-19 environment, it is understandable that a home-based solution is the preferred choice.

Repeated visits to a massage therapy, chiropractic, osteopath, TCM clinic and even physiotherapy clinic might not be an ideal plan.


The team at The Pain Relief Practice has developed a Knee Arthritis Prescription that has been successfully used by our patients for many years.

The prescription was developed by an international team with over a decade of actual clinical experience.

Our prescription is usually only available to clinic patients who pay $180 for a full physiotherapy consultation, assessment and treatment prescription.

In this current covid-19 environment, we would like to help more people access this clinical expertise through our online guide.

Instead of the usual $180, we plan to reduce the price by half to only $90.

However, as you are among the first 500 people to use our Online Tool, we would like to request your help to share this Online Tool on your Facebook page.

In return, we will further reduce the price by another to $18.

That is 90% OFF our usual clinical session.

And you do not even need to spend the time at our clinic nor leave the safety of your home.

What is included: Knee Arthritis Prescription

Step 1: Natural Nutritional Correction for Joint Repair

-different nutritional corrections: reduce inflammation, promote repair

-difficult to take correct doses daily

-prescription will include detailed steps on how to get all the nutrition corrections needed, in a cost-effective and practical way.

Step 2: Anti-inflammatory and Natural Supplements for Joint Repair

While it is important to protect the knee joint from further damage, it is even more important to promote knee recovery by reducing inflammatory damage and supporting the body’s natural healing ability.

This is best achieved with supplements such as collagen hydrolysate, hyaluronic acid, and natural anti-inflammatory herbs.

  • Collagen Hydrolysate

Made from the hydrolysis of collagen molecules, collagen hydrolysate is now widely used as for joint health.

Listed below are some of the many published clinical data on the benefits of collagen hydrolysate:

-Collagen hydrolysate is of interest as a therapeutic agent of potential utility in the treatment of osteoarthritis and osteoporosis. Its high level of safety makes it attractive as an agent for long-term use in these chronic disorders. Semin Arthritis Rheum. 2000 Oct;30(2):87-99. []

-Bioactive Collagen Peptides Stimulate the Regeneration of Cartilage Tissue. []

-Collagen hydrolysate for the treatment of osteoarthritis and other joint disorders: a review of the literature. []

-24-Week study on the use of collagen hydrolysate as a dietary supplement in athletes with activity-related joint pain. []

-Collagen Hydrolysate Improves Joint Function in Adults with Mild Symptoms of Osteoarthritis of the Knee. []

  • Hyaluronic Acid

As a substance naturally found in the human body, hyaluronic acid is found in high concentrations in the synovial fluid of the knee joint. It works by acting as a lubricant and cushion in the knee.

Hyaluronic acid is well known as the active ingredient for viscosupplmentation ( joint lubricating gel injection) injection performed by doctors for patients with knee problems.

Taken orally even as as a single supplement, it is a very popular joint supplement.

  • Herbal Inflammatory Ingredients

Other important natural ingredients include anti-inflammatory herbs such as Ginger, Turmeric and Boswellia.

While it is possible to include these individual items into our diet, it is difficult to consistently eat sufficient quantities daily in a practical way to achieve results.

What we should do is to simply take a daily dose of nutraceuticals that combine extracts of what we need in a convenient formula.




Step 2: Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Technology

Magnetic Stimulation

The earth is cloaked in a magnetic field. It has been known for a long time that magnetic fields have an effect on the human body.

To harness the therapeutic effects of magnetic fields, some doctors have long been using Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields (PEMF) to treat multiple conditions.


Particularly in the area of bone repair, PEMF has shown great promise.


Even The National University of Singapore (NUH) has developed a magnetic stimulation device that regenerates muscle cells in a painless and non-invasive manner.



The Challenge Of PEMF

While PEMF has great potential to help people suffering from knee problems, there used to be a few challenges keeping them from common use.

One was that it was not a well understood technology and many doctors would often not discuss it as a routine treatment option.

Another problem was that most PEMF treatments involved frequent visits to a clinic for treatment with a large device which was relatively expensive.

Even some of the newer home use PEMF devices that have been made into treatment mats cost hundreds or even thousands of dollars.

And many of these costly treatment beds are made by small companies which do not necessarily have the resources to test and ensure that their devices work.
Fortunately, an American company in recent years has improved PEMF technology so well that they now have a therapy device that:

  • is small and convenient enough for home use
  • extremely affordable
  • supported with published clinical research specific to the device
  • has received multiple regulatory approvals


Before we discuss this specific device, let us explore what being free from knee pain can mean for you.

Does it mean being able to walk more confidently again? Or not suffering with every single step, even when going to the toilet?

To some people, it may mean no longer being stuck to a wheelchair and not being dependent on someone else to help you move around.

For people with less severe knee problems, it can mean regaining your lifestyle by being able to enjoy exercise and your hobbies or perform at a higher level in sports.

It can also mean rejoining your friends in activities to regain your social network and not looking “older than your age”.

You will also want to prevent your knee condition from worsening to a point where risky and expensive surgery is necessary.


Portable Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Technology:

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We have helped make a huge difference to the lives of countless patients with knee pain and help prevent many knee surgeries.


The Pain Relief Practice,
Shaw House

350 Orchard Road

#10-00, Shaw House

Medical Suites @ Orchard

Singapore 238868

Call for appointments

PRP @ Shaw House:

Call: 6235 1387
SMS / Whatsapp: 9782 1601

Email Address

[email protected]