Need To Pause or Cancel Your “Physique 360” Membership Because Of Injury? Here’s What You Should Know:

Whether you’re deep into your strength-training routine or focused on functional fitness at Physique 360, an injury can put a sudden damper on your progress. On top of dealing with discomfort, you may also worry about paying for a membership you can’t fully use. Before making any big decisions, here are some important considerations.

Manage Minor Injuries First
Many sprains, strains, and general aches can respond well to straightforward home remedies:

  • Rest: A brief hiatus from intense workouts can give your body the recovery time it needs.
  • Topical Gels & Sports Tapes: These can provide localized relief and help stabilize tender areas.
  • Over-the-Counter Painkillers: Medications like ibuprofen or paracetamol often help reduce inflammation and pain.

In fact, many minor injuries improve within two weeks if you give them the proper attention and rest.

When Pain Persists:

Use Non-Invasive Medical Technology to Boost Recovery If you’re still experiencing pain after following self-help measures, non-invasive medical technology might help speed up your recovery. The Pain Relief Practice offers advanced treatments that can help you get back to your yoga practice more quickly and effectively.

With effective treatment, you can return to an active lifestyle without the need to pause your membership.

While pausing your routine might feel like a setback, prioritizing full recovery ensures you’ll return to Physique 360 stronger, healthier, and ready to achieve new milestones.


The Pain Relief Practice,
Shaw House

350 Orchard Road

#10-00, Shaw House

Medical Suites @ Orchard

Singapore 238868

Call for appointments

PRP @ Shaw House:

Call: 6235 1387
SMS / Whatsapp: 9782 1601

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