What to expect during a consultation

A consultation at The Pain Relief Practice is thorough, consisting of detailed and comprehensive information about your orthopaedic history and issues. You may also have a complete physical therapy evaluation that will give additional insight into what may be happening with the area of discomfort.

The objective is to deeply understand your injury and your goals in order to help you achieve a level of healing and health that permits you to be fitter, faster and stronger than you have been in years.

Getting here

We are located at #10-00 Shaw House, Orchard Road and #09-10 International Building, Orchard Road. For more details, click here

What to bring

Necessary diagnostic imagery and operative reports:

  • Recent MRI Films and typed MRI report
  • Recent X-ray Films and typed X-ray report(The typed MRI and x-ray reports are important because they provide specific information from trained surgeons or radiologists. If you have had surgery in the past year, the MRI and x-rays must have been obtained after surgery. If you have not had an MRI or x-rays, we can take MRI and digital diagnostic x-ray images at the clinic. They are available immediately, reducing the delay between examination and diagnosis.)
  • Operative reports, photos, or video of prior surgery. (Ask your surgeon for these)
  • Physician reports pertaining to this specific problem.

Insurance & Payment

Payment is required at the time of service. Depending on the type of insurance and nature of your condition, most insurance companies do cover Physiotherapy services performed at The Pain Relief Practice. We will do everything possible to assist you in obtaining reimbursement from your insurance company.

Booking your appointment

Simply call, SMS or WhatsApp 9782 1601. Alternatively, you can email us at [email protected].

If you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment, please give us at least 24 hours notice so we may offer your appointment time to another patient.

Physiotherapy Consultation + Treatment

$78 – $88


The Pain Relief Practice,
Shaw House

350 Orchard Road

#10-00, Shaw House

Medical Suites @ Orchard

Singapore 238868

Call for appointments

PRP @ Shaw House:

Call: 6235 1387
SMS / Whatsapp: 9782 1601

Email Address

[email protected]